সরকারি একাডেমীর জন্য নির্বাচিত ক্যাডেটদের জন্য নটিক্যাল সায়েন্স এবং মেরিন ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং বিষয়ে IMA বিএসসি (অনার্স) কোর্সে যোগদান করতে আগ্রহী হলে, তাদেরকে নির্ধারিত সরকারি একাডেমীতে তালিকাভুক্ত না হওয়ার পরামর্শ দেওয়া হয়েছে। এই বিষয়টি নিয়ে আরও বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য, যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন: জনাব ফরহাদ হোসেন শিকদার - ০১৩১৩৭০৮৪৭২ অথবা জনাব হযরত আলী (সহকারী কোর্স সমন্বয়কারী) - ০১৭০৪১৫৯১০৭ এছাড়া, IMA ভর্তির প্রক্রিয়া ১৩ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫ থেকে শুরু হবে।


The general requirement for admission into the Academy is determined by the Department of Shipping Circular which may be modified from time to time.


Applicants for both nautical science & engineering department are required to meet the following minimum standards:

For National Qualification:
  • Higher Secondary Certificate examination passed in Science with GPA of not less than 3.5 in both HSC and SSC examination.
  • Shall have a minimum of grade ‘A-’ in Mathematics & Physics in HSC.
  • Shall have english in HSC with grade ‘B’.
For Edexel and Equivalent Qualification:
  • Have qualified ‘O’ level having minimum 5 subjects including Physics, Mathematics and English with minimum 'C' Grade. Passed 'A' level with Physics and Mathematics (C grade in both) with minimum 'C' Grade.
Recruitment Procedure:

Selection of the cadets is made through six stages, namely (i) Written examination. (ii) Preliminary Physical Fitness, (iii) interview (iv) Medical examination (v) Special eye sight and color vision test. and (vi) swimming test. Applications for admission are invited from the intending candidates through advertisement in the leading newspapers of the country. No application is acceptable unless it is made on the IMA’s prescribed from. Fresh intake examination is held every year. Applications of the previous year will not be considered in the following year for the purpose of one’s candidature. No traveling or daily allowances will be admissible to candidates for their journeys or halts in connection with cadet recruitment. Any interference or influence from any quarter will not be entertained and will lead to automatic rejection of application.

Terms and conditions
Minimum Educational Qualifications:

Applicants must have GPA 3.5 in both SSC and HSC with at least 60% marks in both the examinations in Mathematics and Physics and not less than 50% mark in English may apply.

However candidates having mathematics as optional subject and securing minimum 60% marks in the same in the H.S.C Examination are also eligible to apply. Students appearing/appeared in the H.S.C Examination during the year of entry may also provisionally apply but they will not be considered for final selection if they do not pass the examination fulfilling the above conditions and fail to produce to the Interview Board the requisite provisional pass certificate along with the mark-sheets issued by the Education Board or the principal of the college concerned. Written tests will be usually conducted in January and interviews generally take place in February after written examination and the information will be available with the written test results.

For applicants following Edexel or equivalent programs, at least 5 subjects in ‘O’ level and two subjects in ‘A’ level with Mathematics and Physics and no grade below ‘C’ may apply.

Age limit:

Candidates must not be more than 21 Years of age on the year of application by (31st December). The only date of Birth recognized is what is recorded in the candidate’s S.S.C or equivalent examination certificate. Increasing/Decreasing age limit through affidavit or by any other means is not acceptable for the purpose of admission in this Academy. No appeal against over-age will be entertained.

Nationality & Marital Status:

Candidate must be Bangladesh national by birth or domicile as per current law of Bangladesh and must be unmarried.

Physical Examination:

Regulations for the physical examination of candidates before admission to the international maritime academy, the pre-sea wing of Bangladesh maritime training institute. The cost of this medical examination prior to admission will be borne by the candidate or his guardian at a medical examination centre selected by the institute.

1. To be declared as medically fit for admission to the institute, a candidate must be in good mental and physical health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the training or be an obstacle for a career at sea. A candidate must also conform to the following physical standards at the expense of the trainee at a medical centre/ hospital selected by the institute:

  • Minimum height 162.5 cms.
  • Minimum weight 50 kg. and maximum weight not more than corresponding height for small frame.
  • Minimum chest (unexpanded) 76 cms. with normal expansion of 5 cms.

2. The following points will be particularly observed:

  • That the candidate’s hearing in each ear is good and that there is no sign of disease of the ear.
  • That the candidate’s speech and voice are without impediment and stammering.
  • That the candidate’s teeth are in good order and that he is provided with dentures where necessary for effective mastication (well filled teeth will be considered as sound).
  • That the candidate’s chest is well formed and lungs field is found clear in X-rays Examination.
  • That the candidate’s heart is sound (to be supported by E.C.G).
  • That there is no evidence of any abdominal diseases.
  • That the candidate is not having hernia.
  • That the candidate does not suffer from hydrocele, a severe degree of varicocele, varicose veins or piles.
  • That the candidate’s limbs, hands and feet are well formed and developed and that there is free and perfect motion of all his joints.
  • That the candidate does not suffer from any inveterate skin disease.
  • That there is no congenital malformation or defect.
  • That the candidate does not bear traces of acute or chronic diseases pointing to an impaired constitution.
  • That the candidate is free from communicable disease.
  • That the candidate has not suffered from any such disease/diseases, namely arthralgia, arterious, lumbago etc. which may relapse due to tough and laborious training in Academy and tough nature of job on board the ships afterwards.
  • That the candidate has not suffered from any major ENT diseases and problems.
  • Following Pathological investigation are to be carried out:
  • HBs Ag, VDRL, RA Test, BT. CT.
  • Urine for R/E.
  • students will also be tested for drug and alcohol abuse.

After thoroughly examining a candidate based on above guide lines, the Medical Centre must record their verdict in clear terms and state whether the candidate is fit or unfit on the day of Examination. If the candidate is found unfit, the reasons for such unfitness are to be stated clearly. The Centre shall not declare any candidate Temporarily Unfit for any period for any reasons.

Physical, Eye-sight and Color Vision fitness:

A candidate should have a minimum height 162.5 cm, minimum weight 50 kg and minimum chest 76 cm with normal expansion of 5 cm. Candidates must be physically fit in all respects as per standards laid down in appendices A of this Booklet which they must read carefully before filling in the application form. A physical endurance test will be conducted by the Academy prior to final selection. Candidates applying for Nautical Branch must have a perfect eye sight and Color Vision and will be subjected to most rigorous tests under the Department of Shipping, Dhaka. Candidates applying for Engineering Branch must also possess minimum prescribed standards of eye sight and Color Vision fitness.


A candidate must know swimming. To qualify in a Standard Swimming Test; candidates must be able to swim across a minimum distance of 60 meters in free style and keep himself afloat on the surface of water for at least 3 (three) minutes. Any Candidate failing to qualify in the ‘standard Swimming Test’ shall be disqualified. No appeal against this disqualification shall be entertained. This test will be conducted as per government directive at Bangladesh Marine Academy and all cost for the stated test will be borne by the candidate.

Submission of Applications:

Candidates, eligible in all respects, should fill the prescribed preliminary application form carefully as per instruction and send the same well in advance, along with necessary certificates/ testimonials, directly to: The Commandant, International Maritime Academy, Post Office: Pubail, Mouja: Choto Joy Nagar, Upozila: Gazipur, District: Gazipur by registered post with acknowledgement due or they can deposit the application form personally at the Academy, so as to reach the Academy by the date advertised. After this date no application shall be entertained whatever may be the cause of delay.

Candidates must also send a self-addressed envelope (25cm X 10cm) with postal stamps of Tk. 20.00 affixed; in which there admit cards will be sent by registered post. The IMA, however, does not accept any responsibility in respect of misdelivery / or nondelivery/ or late delivery of any letter by the postal Department. Ineligible candidates are strictly advised not to submit their applications, as all such applications shall be summarily rejected.

Written Examination:

After scrutiny of completed application forms candidates, who are found eligible in all respects, will be required to sit for a written examination for 3 (three) hours to be held in one day on one paper having four section namely Physics, Mathematics, and English & General Knowledge at Dhaka IMA Campus. This paper will carry 100 marks. The syllabus for written examinations is of HSC Examination standard. Use of non-programmed electronic calculator in the examination hall is permitted.

Preliminary Physical Fitness and Swimming Test:

On the basis of 1:3 ratio (i.e. three times of the required number of intake cadets), successful candidates will be called in order of merit to appear in the physical fitness and swimming test. The date, time and place will be informed by the IMA in due course. Cost to be borne by the candidate.

Interview and Viva-Voce:

Candidates declared successful in the preliminary physical fitness and swimming test will than appear for interview and viva-voce test in Dhaka before a Board of interview constituted by IMA. The date, time and place of interview will be notified by the IMA in due course. Candidates may note that the members of the board will try to assess/judge the suitability of a candidate from the on the following perspective:-


This includes bearing, smartness, general appearance and over all confidence of a candidate.

Speech & Expression:

This includes whether a candidate can express himself effectively, clearly and logically and also his pronunciation and accent.


This includes a candidate’s presence of mind, quickness on ready humors and commonsense.


This includes a candidate’s general knowledge relating to current national and international affairs, games and sports, general science as applicable to daily life, mathematical geography, important maritime affairs, specially, sea ports and sea-routes of the world and shipping in general.

Extra-Curriculum Activities:

Curriculum Activities: This includes a candidate’s proficiency in games, sports, hobbies, scouting, debating etc.

Special Eye Sight and Color Vision Tests:

Candidates declared qualified by the Viva-Voce Board shall have to undergo a special eyesight and color vision test as per merchant marine standard at the Department of Shipping, Dhaka on some specified date (s) to be notified earlier. Candidates failing to report for eye test at the Department of Shipping, Dhaka on the specified date due to late/non-delivery of letters or any other reason and candidates declared unfit by the Department of Shipping, Dhaka shall have their names cancelled from the list of the finally qualified candidates. No appeal against this cancellation shall be entertained. The cost of the test as determined by the government will be borne by the candidate.

Medical Examination:

Candidates those who qualify in the special Eye Sight and Color Vision Tests will be medically examined by a Medical Centre at Dhaka as per standards laid down in Appendix ‘A’. Candidates will be required to pay a prescribed amount of fees to the Medical Centre directly. They will further be required to bear the expenses in connection with Pathological test and getting their chest X-rayed.The exact time, date and place of medical examination and the exact amount of expenses involved will be intimated to the candidates in due course. If a candidates is not found fit in all respects on the day of medical examination he should be declared unfit for the purpose of admission to the IMA. The Medical Centre shall neither declare a candidate “Temporarily Unfit” nor keep any decision pending for any period, as it will hinder the process of recruitment.

Final Selection:

Final list of successful candidates shall be prepared by the IMA in order of Merit out of the candidates, declared fit in all respect. After Selection of required number of cadets for both Nautical and Engineering Branches from the merit list, the remainders shall be placed in the waiting list in order of merit. The finally selected cadets must join the IMA on the specified date and time failing which their selection stand cancelled. No appeal against this cancellation shall be entertained. However if any vacancy exists, that will be filled up by taking the candidates from the waiting list in order of merit. The Commandant’s decision in this matter is final.

Enrollment (including deposit of fees) will be completed by a date fixed by the Academy and the date of reporting to the academy will also be informed accordingly.

Indemnity Bond:

Every cadet selected for admission into the IMA shall be required to furnish at the time of admission an Indemnity Bond in prescribed format on a non-judicial stamp paper of taka 150 (one hundred and fifty) stating that:

The cadet shall not leave the IMA before completion of his training /study without obtaining prior written permission from the Commandant. In case of such departure, he will not be allowed to join again. IMA shall not be responsible for illness, disability, injury or death during the course of the training. However, any consequences of such departure the IMA will not be responsible in any way.

IMA will not be responsible for a trainee failing to complete the course successfully, i.e. if the trainee fails to attain the educational standard set by the academy, or if the trainee is absent for whatever reason and has not gained 90 percent attendance, IMA will not issue a certificate of completion of course and the parents/guardian will not hold IMA responsible in whatsoever reason for the trainee’s failure. On completion of the course, the trainee would be required in order to qualify & pass the examination of the Department of Shipping for the issue of a CDC which is pre-requisite for joining ship.

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