BSc. In Marine Engineering
Pre-Sea Engineering

The career in the Maritime Science (Engineering) Department leads to the rank of ‘Chief Engineer’ of the vessel. The engine department is responsible for the technical department of the merchant vessel. A modern-day ship is equipped with propulsion plants, power generating plants, cargo gears and many other service equipment’s along with their associated control systems. The engineers are responsible for safe operation of all machineries and their periodic maintenances.

Starting as an engine cadet, who is basically a trainee officer, the career path leads to fifth engineer, fourth engineer, third engineer, second engineer and finally to chief engineer. Last two ranks are considered to be management level jobs where as earlier ranks are operational level ranks.

The final rank of chief engineer is very challenging and considered by many as the most important rank on board a modern-day ship.

IMA now offers Marine Engineering in affiliation with Bangladesh Maritime University. The first two years will be conducted as pre-sea course. The third year will be sea-service and trainees will be serving as Engine Cadets in foreign flagged vessels. They will also be doing practical training on board which will be supported by training record book. The cadets will be paid for their service on board. Fourth year will be under IMA to complete their undergraduate programme, The fee paid by the trainees at the during their pre-sea course will cover the first two years in IMA.

Job is guaranteed to the trainees who pass the Department of Shipping examination at the end of the two-year course. Neither the academy, nor the manning agent will charge anything for employment.

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